Twin Elements

Better Understanding Each Other.

©® Photo by Ish-i - Sisterly Love

Where there is Poverty...

Feel your own needs - not wants - long enough to understand the meaning of being so, and use your experience to alleviate others suffering, as you would not like to be.

Where there is Hunger...

Taste your own hunger to know the feeling  long enough to want to do something about if for others, any way you can contribute. For without the real taste of hunger, you cannot know the true flavor of food.

Where there is Homelessness...

Live long enough to even begin to know it - and the reasons which create it - then help some-one find their way home. There are enough empty roofs all over the world, but they are worthless without occupation.

Where there is Pain...

Be it heart, mind, soul, or body - remember your own, it could be worse - and relieve others with compassion, for it could be yours next. Through this, you will grow to know what to do.

Where there is no Hope...

Put yourself in that situation. Remember the body is not without Soul. Show where the path is. You will know it then when you need it, and you can lead the way for others.

Where there is Fear...

Show not your own, for it will only amplify their own.  Be brave to walk even a path you have never trodden, and leave a trail to go without fear.

Where there is is no Light...

Shine your own inner candle, for any Light, no matter how small, is better than none. Darkness always shines where there's even just a glow.

Where there is Judgment...

Divide the punishment equally, lest you are the other portion, for it will return on you if you are wrong. So be not quick to judge, it could be your own.

Where there is no Belief...

Offer something of worth to believe in. Even if it be only your dream - share it - for it cannot come true without other's help. For if you do nothing, not even you will see its fruition.

Where there is Loneliness...

Recognize your own. It will cheer their heart as well as your own, and together you will have none. For good company is a good friend, who never fails.

Where there is Emptiness...

Give some of your own over-flow, for there is need in every-one, with Life. But even if your cup is only half full, it is better to share little, than none.

Where there is no Freedom...

Share your own. It is a free gift to you, but not to keep to yourself. To feel free alone is not freedom at all, for it is every-body's right.

Where there is no Peace...

Make some. But make it in Peace, for it is born no other way, than through Peace. To war for Peace is to break apart, and leave no true Peace in its wake.

Where there is no Love...

Pray for it. For it is God's. No money can purchace it. Yet with it, you have all that you need. No bank can keep it in safe keeping for you. And no-one can steal it away.

©® Quotes by Irrira